gp artwork

I’ve always been interested in art: drawing and painting mostly, long before I ever had an interest in writing. I was always drawing superheroes, dragons, dinosaurs, and other fantastical creatures and characters. I know, I was a geek. I still am. But I continue to enjoy art, especially converting my art into digital illustrations on the computer. And I’ve expanded into other forms of arts and crafts, including jewelry, gourds, and games (see gp games section for more on that).

(The artwork contained in this section may be used royalty free.)

White charcoal on black paper.








This caricature I did for fun of a couple guys I worked with.
mel and george








Here’s another caricature.

Rod P









A graphic illustration I made for a local sailing club.
MDISA Championships_6 colors








Another sailing design.










And another sailing design

2017 Championship Pocket_v2









And another…











Here are some of those SF&F pencil drawings I did as a teenager. I have more, but this is a good sampling.






















































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